Download Scope of comparative religion 2013 60th

American Academy of Religion: AAR Award for Excellence - Analytical-Descriptive Category. Choice Magazine: CHOICE Outstanding Academic Title Awards. Society for the Anthropology of Religion: Clifford Geertz Prize. Comparative Studies and History of Religion. You may purchase this title at. Outside the USA, see our. University of Chicago Press: E. Chicago Manual of Style. Scientific Style and Format. Giving to the Press. New Books for General Readers. UPSO University Press Scholarship Online. Get Exam Copy or Adopt this Text. Publicity and Review Copies. Licensing from a Book. When Science and Christianity Meet. The Spirits and the Law. The Body of Faith. Imperialism and Comparative Religion. How is knowledge about religion and religions produced, and how is that knowledge authenticated and circulated? In the process, Chidester provides a counterhistory of the academic study of religion, an alternative to standard accounts scope of comparative religion 2013 60th have failed to link the field of comparative religion with either the power relations or the historical contingencies of the imperial project. In developing a material history of the study of religion, Chidester documents the importance of African religion, the persistence of the divide between savagery and civilization, and the salience of mediations—imperial, colonial, and indigenous—in which knowledge about religions was produced. By reclaiming these theorists for this history, Chidester shows that race, rather than theology, was formative in the emerging study of religion in Europe and North America. Imperial, Colonial, and Indigenous 3. Classify and Conquer 4. Animals and Animism 5. Myths and Fictions 6. Ritual and Magic 7. Humanity and Divinity 8. Spirit of Empire Enduring Empire Notes Index. By foregrounding the complex apparatuses of imperialism, racialization histories, and the imbrication of racial knowledge with colonial power, Scope of comparative religion 2013 60th offers a game-changing volume that will shift scholarly understanding of empire and religion.

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